M&A Consulting

Definition of M&A

M&A is the acronym for Mergers and Acquisitions. M&A is an activity of gaining control of an enterprise through a merger or acquisition between two or more businesses to own a part or all of that enterprise.
With the form of merger is the association between businesses of the same size and gives birth to a new enterprise with legal status. The merged entity will own all of the assets, interests and rights and obligations of the merged business. Two businesses are linked together for common interests.

Acquisitions are a form of a large business that will buy back smaller and weaker businesses and the acquiring firm retains its old legal status. Acquiring business has legal ownership rights with respect to the enterprise being purchased.

Risks Of M&A

M&A market is forecast to continue to grow in the coming years, along with the development of the market, the risks of M&A deals will also increase, especially legal risks, security risks, market risks

Working With Famiviet

We provide professional M&A consultation service for businesses, including:

- Designing a proposal for a project / business while looking for potential clients

- Consulting on project / business transfer structure

- Participation in the project / business appraisal process

- Negotiate the assignment terms; draft transfer contract

- Consulting / arranging a suitable financial plan for the buyer.

- Other in-depth consultation as required.

Please contact us for a comprehensive consulting service

Famiviet Joint Stock Company

Email: email@famiviet.vn